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Closet Cleaning Tips

So you've got a closet full of clothes, but have you got any clothes you can really wear? Stop collecting stuff you don't wear and let go of items that have outlived their life. Get down and dirty and clean out your closet.

The best way to get started on the closet-cleaning journey is to get sorted. Separate your clothes into categories such as: pants, shorts, skirts, vests, jerseys, t-shirts and vests etc.

Once you have that all sorted out, go through each individual pile and further categorize these into:

  1. YES: Clothing that you know for sure you will wear again
  2. NO: Clothing that you dislike and know that there is no way you will wear it again, and
  3. MAYBE: Clothing you are not too sure about, but could possibly wear

Okay, so let's say you have a pile of skirts that have been further categorized into yes, no and maybes. Pack the "yes” items back into your closet and get a big, black garbage bag or box for the "no" items. Put the "maybe" items to one side. Go through each pile of clothes and perform this task, so that eventually, you only have one pile of clothes to work with – the "maybe's".

Have a look through your pile of "maybe" items and decide on whether or not you want to keep these items. Have a look if they match any of your current items in your "yes" and "maybe" pile and try them on again before making your final decision. If you like them and think you will wear them again, go ahead and pack them into your wardrobe. If you don't like them, add them to the "no" bag and if you're still not sure, hang onto them for a little while longer.

Take your big "no" bag and give it to charity. It will make you feel better to give something away and it will make you feel even better to clear the clutter.

Author: Dimi Ingle.
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