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What Is Candidiasis?

Candidiasis is an infection caused by a group of microscopic fungi or yeast. There are more than 20 species of candida, the most common being Candida albicans.

Candida albicans is a harmless yeast (fungus), present in our bodies from birth. Occasionally it grows excessively, and causes health problems. It is sometimes considered a stress-related condition which affects the immune system. It lives quite happily in our bodies for years, but when our immune system is compromised or reduced, candida can begin to multiply quickly, and can enter the bloodstream.

It presents itself in various ways, often as a yeast infection in the vagina. The most common reason for this is antibiotic treatment, which upsets the chemical balance of the body. Thrush, an infection of the mucous membranes, is the most common symptom. It sometimes affects the mouth (especially in babies), but is more usually found in the vagina.

Men can transmit thrush even though they may show no symptoms, so it is important to treat both partners to prevent reinfection.

An infection in the bloodstream can affect the kidneys, heart, lungs, eyes, or other organs causing high fever, chills, anemia, and sometimes a rash or shock. Candida can cause the following problems depending upon the organ infected:

  • In the kidneys it can cause blood in the urine.
  • In the heart it can cause murmurs and valve damage.
  • In the lungs it can cause bloody sputum (mucus discharge).
  • In the eyes it can cause pain and blurred vision.
  • In the brain it can cause seizures and acute changes in mental function or behavior.

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