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Alternative Fitness: Don’t Feel Like Going to
Gym? Do This Instead

Being fit doesn't mean you have to be a gym goer. In fact, you can work towards greater fitness just by making a few minor adjustments to your daily activities.

Let's face it, not everyone enjoys going to the gym. The long queues for the treadmills and stationary bikes are enough to drive anyone mad. Not to mention the intimidating gym equipment and showers. Even the people become intimidating. How is it that they seem to know exactly what they are doing, while you’re still trying to figure out where the start button is on your elliptical trainer?

Women jogging

Don’t worry; you are not alone. While going to gym is a great way to keep healthy and stay in shape, it is by no means the only way to stay fit. If you really don’t enjoy going to gym, don’t go. But, don’t use that as an excuse to not do any form of physical activity.

Whether you like it or not, regular exercise has too many health benefits for you to ignore, including reducing depression and anxiety, reducing high blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and many more. So, don’t give up exercise just because you don’t like the gym.

Here are a few every day ways you can work towards greater fitness:

  • Use the stairs wherever possible.
  • When going to the shops, park as far from the entrance as possible, that way you have more distance to walk.
  • When eating out, try to walk around before entering the restaurant.
  • When you’re at the office, walk to your colleague's office or cubical instead of phoning them.
  • When you’re at home, put away all your remotes, and get up off the couch and manually change the channels.
  • Walk, walk and walk. Take the dogs for a walk, take the kids for a walk, but whatever you do, just get walking.

Author: Dimi Ingle.
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